Sina Grass
Visual Archive



Bergfrühling Academy of Art and Design Basel Bachelor Thesis 2018 Mentors: Susanne Käser, Philipp Stamm, Kambiz Shafei In the mountains, spring is that time of the year, when white slopes turn into green meadows and the mountain railways take a break. The tourists...
45 Symbols

45 Symbols

45 Symbols – I packed my bag Academy of Art and Design BaselInformation design class: Prof. Marion Fink2017 Submission for the The Phaistos Project: 45 Symbols Whenever I‘m travelling abroad, I ask myself the same question before I leave: Did I forget to pack...
Bewegtes Plakat

Bewegtes Plakat

Bewegtes Plakat Academy of Art and Design Basel Medium class: Dirk Koy 2016 Moving poster series for the fictional festival Bildwelten.Created with Cinema 4D and After...